Penetration Testing Services


Our robust penetration testing delivers:

• A detailed summary for your executives and senior-level management
• Technical details for your IT specialists to recreate findings
• Data-driven risk analysis and strategic recommendations
• Tactical guidance for present-day and long-term improvements


Cybernite Intelligence assesses your networks, web or mobile applications, and cloud infrastructures. Your environment and sector are unique. We tailor our penetration tests to accommodate your specific needs and infrastructure.

Our industry-leading security engineers leverage proprietary technologies, extensive research on existing and emerging attack vectors and advanced skills to customize testing and deliver results.

Benefits of Penetration Tests in Safeguarding Your Organization


Our team takes a systematic approach when tackling penetration testing, uncovering system vulnerabilities that impact your critical assets' security.
Our security consultans take a four-stage approach to pen testing.

Target Reconnaissance

The Cybernite Intelligence team gathers information about the target system and organization to identify potential vulnerabilities and plan a successful intrusion. The reconnaissance will review your company systems, usernames, group memberships, applications and publicly available data.

Vulnerability Enumeration

This stage involves systematically identifying and listing potential weaknesses in your networks, systems and applications to determine the best way to attack your organization.

Vulnerability Exploitation

Vulnerability exploitation includes leveraging identified weaknesses to gain unauthorized access to your environment. Our penetration testers will realistically exploit vulnerabilities with commercial testing tools, publicly available and custom exploit codes and tools.

Mission Accomplishment

The Cybernite Intelligence team accesses your internal environment. Tactics may involve: accessing critical assets via the Internet, subverting devices with malicious commands, Stealing data from select environments. We leverage this four-stage testing process to present you with ways to secure your assets and improve your systems.


At Cybernite Intelligence, we understand that each organization has unique cybersecurity needs. Our expert team of ethical hackers conducts a range of penetration testing services to address diverse threats. By employing advanced techniques, we help you fortify your defenses and ensure the resilience of your digital assets.
  1. Network Penetration Testing

    Uncover vulnerabilities in your network infrastructure through simulated attacks. Our network penetration testing assesses the security of your routers, switches, and other network components to identify and rectify potential weaknesses.

  2. Web Application Penetration Testing

    Safeguard your web applications from potential exploits. Our web application penetration testing service analyzes the security of your online platforms, identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malicious actors.

  3. Mobile Application Testing

    In an era dominated by mobile devices, it's crucial to secure your mobile applications. Our mobile application testing helps you identify and address security gaps, ensuring that your apps are resilient against cyber threats.

  4. Wireless Security Assessment

    Assess the security of your wireless networks to prevent unauthorized access. Our wireless security assessment identifies vulnerabilities in your Wi-Fi infrastructure, helping you establish a robust defense against potential breaches.

  5. IoT Security Testing

    As IoT devices become integral to business operations, securing them is paramount. Our IoT security testing services evaluate the vulnerabilities in your connected devices, protecting your organization from potential IoT-related threats.

  6. Physical Penetration Testing

    Evaluate the physical security of your premises. Our physical penetration testing assesses the effectiveness of your security controls, helping you identify weaknesses in access controls, surveillance, and other physical security measures.


Uncover Your Vulnerabilities and Fortify Your Digital Environment

Cybernite Intelligence delivers industry-leading penetration testing to assess your at-risk areas. Safeguard your critical infrastructure and secure your assets with our robust testing services.
Contact us to schedule penetration testing or to learn more about strengthening system security.