Cybersecurity Solutions for Operational Technology and Industrial Control Systems


Operational Technology Cybersecurity


Critical infrastructure environments — such as those found in the manufacturing, transportation and energy supply industries — are high-value targets for malicious hackers. With attacks becoming more common and increasingly aggressive, adequate cybersecurity for critical infrastructure is essential in maintaining workflows that contribute to thousands of lives every day.

For years, Cybernite Intelligence has been one of the world's leading cybersecurity providers, specifically for operational technology OT and industrial control systems ICT. Our comprehensive expertise sets us apart, as does our commitment to delivering effective cybersecurity solutions based on the leading industry standards.

Securing your organization’s assets goes beyond the sole use of technology. Finding a trusted partner with experience in detecting and responding to cyber threats and attacks around the clock is vital to keeping your data safe. We provide our customers with unrivaled threat intelligence and comprehensive analysis of threats to manage ongoing attacks, prepare for future threats, and create a recovery plan after an incident.
  1. OT/ICS Security Evaluation

    Before we can recommend solutions and advancements, Cybernite will conduct an on-site assessment of your existing security systems. This process allows us to identify the most vulnerable areas of your infrastructure and create a personalized cybersecurity plan that builds on your current strengths.

  2. Find and Address Threats

    Securing your organization’s assets goes beyond the sole use of technology. Finding a trusted partner with experience in detecting and responding to cyber threats and attacks around the clock is vital to keeping your data safe. We provide our customers with unrivaled threat intelligence and comprehensive analysis of threats to manage ongoing attacks, prepare for future threats, and create a recovery plan after an incident.

  3. Maintain Compliance

    Implementing new security measures is not a “once and done” process — it requires consistent audits and compliance updates to maintain its effectiveness and meet industry standards. Following our Healthcheck, Cybernite Intelligence offers services like penetration testing for ICS and OT.


The Cybernite team is exclusively composed of experts in the cybersecurity field, allowing us to work at our full potential for every client. Leverage our expertise and resources to benefit from:
  1. Improved security

    Our security recommendations and improvements protect your ICS assets from real cyber threats. Leveraging our expertise minimizes your risks of a disrupted workflow and financial loss.

  2. Enhanced visibility

    Experience 24/7 insight into your ICS environment. This visibility ensures you discover potential threats immediately and can make informed decisions to mitigate risks.

  3. Minimized damage

    Better security means a reduced chance of a cyberattack. Implementing these measures can help protect you from the costs of data breaches and site downtime.


Secure Your ICS and OT Today

ICS and OT cybersecurity services can transform the way you think about security and minimize your risk of malicious attacks. Our comprehensive solutions are effective and optimized for your specific situation. We use our extensive industry expertise to scout out every potential vulnerability and provide suggestions that take your security to the next level.
Let Cybernite Intelligence help your organization secure its data. Connect with us and schedule a consultation to see our services in action.